Tigran Khachumyan

Tigran Khachumyan

Maxillofacial Surgeon
a little about myself...

I have graduated from Yerevan State Basic Medical College with excellence.

I served in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia.

I was awarded the badges of "Best Soldier-Athlete", "Brave Fighter", "Excellent soldier of the Armenian Army" and also received the rank of senior sergeant.

I’ve graduated from the Armenian Medical Institute with excellence.

I’ve done my medical residency at Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi in the faculty of Maxillofacial Surgery with great performance.

I was specialized in the department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the "Armenia" Republican Medical Center. I was lucky enough to work in a team with leading specialist experts and scientists.

I am proud to continue the scientific and practical principles of that "work-school".

The next stage was the continuation of intensive and diverse work in the department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the Republican Medical Center "Armenia" as a Maxillofacial Surgeon.

I’ve passed through all the stages of becoming a successful doctor and in the result of which I’ve founded the "CONTRAST" dental clinic.

I am grateful to my parents and teachers resistance due to which I can provide the best results even in the most difficult situations and show excellent performance in everything related to my profession.

With respect to patients, with love to surgery.

Tigran Khachumyan


