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PinlaysThe pinlay is a molded construction that strengthens the tooth and restores the crown. The crown is restored in such a way that it is possible to make an artificial crown on it. So that part of the pinlay looks like an already cut tooth.

The pinlay can be molded or retractable, which is usually placed on multi-root teeth. They are metallic (cobalt-chromium alloy or gold alloy) without metal and as well as zirconium oxide.

As with all constructions, the pinlay also has its indications. The main indication of the pinlay usage is significant tooth damage, up to the level of the gums when the crown is absent. And if the tooth is infected up to the level of bottom gums, then it is subject to removal.

The tooth must be properly prepared for pinlay placement, with proper endodontic treatment. The root canal or canals should be filled just up to the ends of the roots. The result of endodontic treatment can be checked by X-ray examination. The next step is to open the first 2/3 of the same root canals. In other words, a suitable place is prepared for the pinlay installation. The root canal is elaborated according to the indicated length and width. Then a two-layer silicone seal is obtained. Sealing is obtained from both the upper and lower dentures, as the obtained seals are studied in the technical laboratory, and according to the ratio of the teeth a pinlay of appropriate size and curvature is made.

If the treatment is manifested properly the teeth which seemed to lose their importance, can recover and serve for years if the patient is careful.